We’ve focused quite a bit in this series, about the value of using a seasoned, professional contractor to coach you through the various stages of your construction project. Whether it’s a custom home, an addition, an extensive remodel or a commercial building project, there are a number of prescribed, and important steps which cannot be rushed or skipped. One of the key mileposts is the process of securing building permits to ensure quality and compliance with critical construction standards.

Custom Built Home in Woodstock

 Here are some commonly-asked questions and things you should know:

  • Who Processes the Request for Permits? While the responsibility for having the appropriate permits rests with you as the property owner, your builder is the one who actually files the paperwork to obtain the required permits. The red tape can be overwhelming and most property owners are not willing or able to take on the challenge. Your builder has a lifetime of experience with the process and is the ideal choice for the task. Leave the red tape to us!

  • Why are Building Permits Needed? Through time, important guidelines have been established and enhanced to promote standards and best practices. Building permits are issued and inspections are made to ensure that these building practices are followed and that the work is being done by licensed, professional craftsmen. Building standards set by such entities as municipalities, the health department, the fire department and environmental groups are designed to protect the safety of you and your surroundings, by producing a quality outcome.
  • Tell Me More. What Types of Permits are Needed? Though as we’ve said here, the process will be handled by your builder, you may be interested to know the types of permits that may be required. Requirements vary by jurisdiction as well as by the complexity of the project. Governing bodies may interject their own unique requirements. Permits may be required by the county, township, city, town, or even the local Home Owners’ Association (HOA). Sometimes there are special watershed requirements by Storm Water Management that are designed to protect the water table. There may be a need, for example, to address provisions for storm water run-off by providing a retention pond; a need to provide for the protection of wetlands or a requirement to regulate the septic system.
  • The Cost of Cutting Corners: Don’t do it! The old adage pay me now or pay me later applies here. A reputable builder will not allow corners to be cut, no matter how tempting it may be in the misguided interest to save time or money. While, to some, the permitting process seems tedious and time-consuming, it is there for your protection. Permits ensure compliance with important building and safety requirements. And the penalties for building without a permit are stiff – often double the cost of the permit in the first place, not to mention the delays caused by skipping this important step which after inspection, might require ripping out and redoing! Compliance also ensures a smooth transition when you are ready to sell

The Bottom Line — Leave the Red Tape to the Professionals:

Securing building permits is critical to the construction process, by ensuring a safe and compliant end result. Trust your contractor to do the right thing, knowing that he’s been down this path before. By following the rules, you’ll avoid problems (and penalties) down the road.

Call Scholl Construction today to get started. They will know what permits are needed for your specific project, town and/or building site. Scholl Construction has the experience and attention to detail that will ensure your project will be built to code, delivered on-time and within budget.
